Crane Governing Board Meetings
Archived Recordings of Governing Board Meetings
Effective for the Regular Governing Board Meeting of April 13, 2021, to present, the District began live-streaming all board meetings. Prior to this date, only those meetings where access to the boardroom was restricted, or limited, were live-streamed meetings made available.
Regular Meeting - December 7, 2021 (NOTE: This content has erroneous references to November 9, 2021)
Regular Meeting - March 9, 2021
Special Meeting - February 25, 2021
Regular Meeting - February 9, 2021
Special Meeting - February 1, 2021
Regular Meeting - January 12, 2021
Special Meeting - November 25, 2020
Regular Meeting - November 10, 2020
Archived Recordings of Other Governing Board Appointed Meetings
Advisory Committee for Capital Improvement Planning
Members of the public may attend the Governing Board Meeting in person.
Participants can also join the meeting telephonically using the following information.
Audio Conference #:
+1 669-900-6833
Meeting ID #:
826 1553 5119
Pass Code: 699053584
Click HERE to access the Governing Board Agenda